This report provides a status and variance for project key tasks, milestones, phases, or the full work breakdown structure. The pie chart compares late and on time task starts and finishes.
Run the report to work with project management.
Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information.
Indicates to include completed tasks in report data.
Default: Cleared
Indicates the grouping and presenting of information on the report. Select an option from the drop-down.
Indicates the OBS unit by which the report is filtered.
Indicates to include items identified as late in report data.
Default: Cleared
Indicates the projects to generate the report.
Indicates the number of days that pass before a project shows a yellow or red stoplight status.
Indicates the level of WBS data to display on the report. Select the option from the drop-down list.
Two pie charts indicate the number of late starts and finishes compared to on-time starts and finishes.
Displays the portion of the task, milestone, or phase completed. This field is a not calculated, but is shown as the user specifies.
Displays the finish date for the task.
Displays any difference between the planned finish date and the actual finish date, or the date of the report.
A calculated field. For more information, see the report SQL statement.
Displays through stoplights the performance for the task, milestone, or phase according to the threshold set.
A calculated field. For more information, see the report SQL statement.
Displays the start date for the task, phase, or milestone.
Displays the difference between the planned start date and the actual start date, or the date of the report.
A calculated field. For more information, see the report SQL statement.
Displays a project task being reported.
Displays if a task, milestone, or phase is started, not started, or complete.
Displays if the report item is a task, milestone, or a phase.
prtask.pristask, prtask.priskey, prtask.prismilestone
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