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About Highlights

Highlights are the fonts, colors, symbols, and patterns you can define for highlighting project data. Open Workbench offers a variety of highlights that you can use to make views and printed reports easier to read, analyze, and understand. You can define highlights for:

There is no limit to the number of highlights and highlight conditions you can create. You can create duplicate highlight conditions. Open Workbench applies highlights in the order listed in the Highlight Condition dialog box. When duplicate highlight conditions exist, the last condition entered is the one applied to the view.

While you can create and save many highlight files, you can apply only one (the default highlight file) to open projects. If you create multiple highlight files, you can specify which one to use by changing the default location and file name of the highlight file.

More information:

Define Highlight Settings

Define Highlight Font Settings

Save Highlights

Edit CPM Symbol and Color Settings

Define Highlight Conditions