Use the Highlight Conditions dialog box to specify the possible conditions for a field name and highlight combination.
To define the conditions for a view's element
The View Highlights dialog box opens.
The list expands to display available fields in each folder.
Your cursor moves to the corresponding Type of Element cell in the Conditions column.
The Highlight Condition dialog box opens.
Double-click item icons to display field names associated with the current view. Select a field to see the highlights associated with it. Drag field names to the Field column to begin creating or editing a view highlight.
Drag a field name to this column. This can be a different field from the element type.
Enter a value or select a value from a drop-down list.
Specify if the field name is equal or not equal to the value you select or enter in the Value column.
Select And or Or to add additional conditions in subsequent lines.
The Highlight Condition dialog box closes.
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