Previous Topic: Create Highlights

Next Topic: Define Highlight Conditions

Define Highlight Settings

Use the View Highlights dialog box to define or edit the view's highlights properties.

Tip: To apply new highlights to a project, set the path and file name of the new .RWH file on the Locations tab in the Options dialog box.

To define a view's highlight settings

  1. Select Colors and Shapes from the View group in the Project ribbon.

    The View Highlights dialog box opens.

  2. Define the following:
    List of field names

    Double-click item icons to display object names. Select a field or object to see the highlights associated with it.

  3. View the following highlight settings in the following columns
    Type of Element

    Defines the element to which the highlight is applied.


    A graphic display of the highlight applied to the data. Double-click to select font attributes including color, or if it is a Gantt field, to display the Gantt Symbol and Color Settings dialog box.


    Defines the conditions in which the highlight is applied to the element. Double-click to define the conditions in the Highlight Condition dialog box.

  4. Click Save.

    The Save As dialog box opens.

  5. Do one of the following:

    The View Highlights dialog box closes.

More information:


About Highlights

Create Highlights

Define Highlight Conditions

Define Highlight Formats

Define Highlight Font Settings

Edit CPM Symbol and Color Settings

Save Highlights

Remove Highlights

Delete Highlights