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What's New in CA ERwin Data Modeler

Here is what is new for CA ERwin Data Modeler:

Mobile licensing

The Mobile licensing feature enables you to borrow a license from a License Server on any mobile device that supports CA ERwin DM. By default, the maximum period for which a license is borrowed is 168 hours. However, you can change this. For more information about borrowing licenses, see the Installation Guide.

Mart architecture

Mart Upgrade utility

Earlier, when you upgraded to a new version of CA ERwin DM, only the schema was upgraded. To upgrade your models, you opened each model in the new version. This process took much of your time, especially when you had to upgrade large models. In CA ERwin DM Version 9.0, upgrading models is automated through the Mart Upgrade utility. The utility lets you upgrade not just models, but users, profiles, and permissions too. In addition, the utility also lets you upgrade to a different database.

If your source Mart version is release 7.0 through 7.3.11, the upgrade happens in two stages. First, the Mart is upgraded to CA ERwin DM version 8.0 and then it is upgraded to version 9.0. The existing upgrade process is used to upgrade from a lower version to 8.0. After the source Mart is brought up to version 8.0, the new Upgrade Mart utility is used to upgrade to version 9.0. In the new Upgrade Mart utility, you must select the models that you want to upgrade.

Note: The Upgrade Mart utility is available only if you install it while installing CA ERwin DM Version 9.0.

The Upgrade Mart utility lets you upgrade models in several ways. You can choose the best way that helps you get started with your work quickly. Upgrade models in one of the following ways:

For more information about upgrading Mart, see the Administration Guide (Workgroup Edition).

CA ERwin Mart Administrator

The new Mart includes CA ERwin Mart Administrator, a web-based component that lets you administer Mart. You can perform the following tasks using CA ERwin Mart Administrator:

Mart Users

From r9 onwards, you can add individual users and Active Directory user groups to Mart. Individual users are categorized as Server users and Windows users, which are based on the way they are authenticated. There are no database users in CA ERwin DM Version 9 Mart.

The descriptions of user types are as follows:

Server User

Specifies the user that is authenticated by the Mart server. The server user is an application level user and not a database user. A server user provides the user name and password to log on to Mart. For example, Peter is a Business Analyst and reviews data models. Add Peter as a Server user as he accesses Mart only at the time of reviewing data models. Peter provides his user name and password to connect to Mart.

Note: Only a Server user can access CA ERwin Mart Administrator. There are no database level users in CA ERwin DM Version 9 Mart.

Windows User

Specifies the user that is authenticated by the Windows network. A Windows user need not provide the user name and password to log on to Mart. For example, Jane is a Data Modeler who works on Mart. Add Jane as a Windows user, so she accesses Mart using her Windows network credentials. Jane does not provide her user name and password to connect to Mart.

User Group

Specifies a user group that is part of an Active Directory. Use this option to add an entire group that accesses Mart. For example, you have a user group ABC-Domain\ Add XYZDivision_AllModelers, so that all users that are part of this group and are authenticated by ABC-Domain, connect to Mart. Users of this group do not have to provide their user name and password when they connect to Mart.

Change or retrieve Mart password from CA ERwin DM

If you are added as a Server user and SMTP settings are configured on Mart, you can change or retrieve a Mart password either from CA ERwin Data Modeler or from CA ERwin Mart Administrator.

If you have not configured an SMTP server for emails, the Mart Administrator can reset the password for Server users in the User Management page. The password is reset to the default password provided in the Settings page. No email is sent automatically.

To change your Mart password from CA ERwin Data Modeler, open CA ERwin Data Modeler, connect to Mart, and click Change Password. The Change Password dialog appears. Provide your current and new password details and click OK.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click File, Mart, Connect, and click Forgot Password.

    Note: To use this option, SMTP settings must be configured in the CA ERwin Mart Administrator Settings page.

  2. Complete the following fields:
    Server Name

    Defines the name of the web server where you have installed the Mart.


    Defines the port number to access the web server.

    Use IIS

    Specifies that you want to use the IIS web server to connect to Mart. This check box is enabled only if you have configured IIS.

    Application Name

    Defines the application name of the Mart that you want to connect to.

    User Name

    Defines your user name as registered in the Mart.

    Email Address

    Defines your email address as registered in the Mart.

  3. Click Submit.

    A new password is generated and sent to your registered email address.

Work offline or detach models

CA ERwin DM Version 9 lets you save a Mart model offline or detach a model from Mart.


Saves the model offline to a local directory. You can work on the offline model without connecting to Mart. Every update to the offline model is recorded until you rebind the model to Mart. The permissions you have on Mart apply to the offline model too.


Copies the model and saves the copy to a local directory. The detached model is not connected to Mart and is considered as a non-Mart model.

Bind a Mart Model to your Model

Now you can select a Mart model as a template and bind it with your model. When you create a model using the New Model dialog, click Browse Mart. Browse through your Mart catalog and select a model that you want to use as a template.

Active Model Template

From this release onward, you can bind templates to your models anytime and not just at the time of creating models.

Live permission checking in Mart

In the previous versions of CA ERwin DM, when you updated a model in Mart that was created by another user, permissions were checked when you saved the model. Now, permissions are checked when you add, modify, or delete a model object.

The following rules apply:

If you are updating a model created by another user and you do not have the necessary permissions, you have the following options:

Catalog Manager

In CA ERwin DM version 9 and CA ERwin Mart Administrator, the way of managing Libraries and Versions is redesigned. The new CA ERwin DM introduces Catalog Manager that manages libraries, data models, templates, and versions. Catalog Manager includes Library Manager and Version Manager.

You can perform the following tasks in Catalog Manager and Catalog Management:

Session Manager

In the new release of CA ERwin DM, you can manage your sessions either from CA ERwin DM version 9 or from CA ERwin Mart Administrator. You can manage your sessions from the Session Manager panel in CA ERwin DM. If you are a Mart Administrator, use CA ERwin Mart Administrator to manage sessions of Mart users.

Model locking

Redesigned Naming Standards tool

The way you create and apply naming standards has been redesigned. In the previous versions of CA ERwin DM, you accessed Naming Standards Editor without opening CA ERwin DM. Naming Standards Editor, which is renamed as NSM Option Editor, is now an ERwin object and is accessed from the Model Explorer. Now you must open CA ERwin DM to open NSM Option Editor. NSM Option Editor looks similar to database property editors.

You can create multiple NSM Option objects and select one object to attach with a model. You can attach an NSM Option object to a model template. This helps you apply naming standards to all models at the enterprise level with a single click. You can import the naming standards from a previous version of CA ERwin DM into NSM Option Editor using the editor itself.

To access NSM Option Editor:

  1. Expand the Model Explorer, right-click NSM Options and select New.

    A new NSM Option object appears.

  2. Right-click the new object and select Properties.

    NSM Option Editor appears.

Redesigned Data Type Standards tool

The way you create and apply data type standards has been redesigned in CA ERwin DM version 9. In the previous versions of CA ERwin DM, you accessed Datatype Standards Editor without opening CA ERwin DM. In version 9, Datatype Standards Editor, which is renamed as DSM Option Editor, is designed as an ERwin object and is accessed from the Model Explorer. Now you must open CA ERwin DM to open DSM Option Editor. DSM Option Editor looks similar to database property editors.

You can create multiple DSM Option objects but you can select only one object to attach to a model. You can attach a DSM Option object to a model template. A model template helps you apply data type standards to all models at the enterprise level with a click. You can import the data type standards from a previous version of CA ERwin DM into DSM Option Editor using the editor itself.

To access DSM Option Editor:

  1. Expand the Model Explorer, right-click DSM Options and select New.

    A new DSM Option object appears.

  2. Right-click the new object and select Properties.

    DSM Option Editor appears.

Meta Integration Bridges updated

The MIR XMI format export and import bridges are removed. CA ERwin Data Modeler has been updated to support Meta Integration® Model Bridge (MIMB) version 7.0.4 from Meta Integration® Technology, Inc. You can access the bridges when you click Import, From External Format or Export, To External Format on the File menu.

The full list of supported import and export bridges is documented in Appendix B of the CA ERwin Data Modeler Implementation Guide. This guide is available on the ERwin Bookshelf, which is accessible from the Start menu.

Import Bridges Added/Removed

Support has been added for the following MIMB import bridges:

Export Bridges Added/Removed

Support has been added for the following MIMB export bridges:

The full list of supported import and export bridges is documented in Appendix B of the Implementation Guide. This guide is available on the ERwin Bookshelf, which is accessible from the Windows Start menu.