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CA ERwin Data Modeler Community Edition Overview

The Community Edition of CA ERwin Data Modeler includes a limited number of features from the main product, and is designed for learning data modeling techniques, creating simple data models, and learning about the design and maintenance of a production database.

Most of the basic features of CA ERwin DM are available, with limited access to the following features:

25 Entities/Tables Per Model

You can reverse-engineer, import using Metadata Integration (MITI) bridges, or create up to 25 entities/tables per model. There is no restriction on the number of views you can create.

If you attempt to reverse engineer a script or database with more than 25 tables, or attempt to open a model with more than 25 tables, a warning message displays, reminding you of the object creation limitation in the Community Edition. For Oracle and SQL Server, the reverse engineer process stops after creating 25 tables in the new model. For other databases, a warning message displays, stating that the import feature is disabled.

Note: Some operations that include the creation of temporary tables may also result in exceeding the allowed table limit. For example, if you reverse engineer a DB2/UDB script that contains 25 tables and a materialized view, the temporary table used to create the materialized view will cause you to exceed the allowed table limit for the model.

Read-Only Complete Compare

You can use Complete Compare features to evaluate and compare models, but you cannot commit changes you make in the Complete Compare wizard to the models you compare. The "Finish" button is disabled in the Resolve Differences dialog. In addition, demand loading of databases and Alter Script generation are not supported.

Note: If you are working with a database as part of the compare process, only the first 25 tables are reverse engineered to the model used during the compare. This may result in problems in the Complete Compare Resolve Differences dialog, where objects and properties between the models will not match. To avoid problems, work with a database that has fewer than twenty-five tables.

Save As

You can save your models in the native *.erwin format or as a template (*.erwin_tmpl). Save As XML, ER1, and ERT is not supported.

File Open

You can open a model in *.erwin or *.erwin_tmpl format, and a SQL DDL file in the format *.sql, *.ers, or *.ddl.

Print a Model

Support for printing models is included in the Community Edition, although the output includes a unique watermark.

Working with Transformations in the Community Edition

You can work with transformations in CA ERwin Data Modeler Community Edition to implement design decisions, such as partitioning tables. However, because of the limitation to 25 entities/tables per model, some transformation operations may not be possible. For example, if you are near the limit of 25 tables and choose to partition a table, you may surpass the table limit, and the transformation operation will not complete.

The Advisories Pane on the main workplace window reports a message reminding you that the intended action did not complete because of the object creation limit.

Limited Database Support

Support is included for modeling using the following databases:

Limited Access to Metadata Integration (MITI) Bridges

Support is limited to the following Metadata Integration (MITI) Bridges for import. Export using Metadata Integration (MITI) Bridges is not supported.

Note: If the file you import has more than 25 tables, the Community Edition imports only the first 25 tables.

Other limitations of the Community Edition include the following:

Note: If you attempt to access a disabled feature in the Community Edition, a pop-up message appears to remind you the feature is not available.