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Foreign Key Names

You can add and edit the foreign key name for the physical relationships in your model. The foreign key name describes the relationship that you create between a parent and child table. For example, you might add the foreign key name <is_rented_as> to describe the relationship between a parent table MOVIE and a child table MOVIE-COPY.

When you view the relationships that you create, the foreign key name is displayed near the middle of the relationship line. You can move each foreign key name separately. When you move a relationship line directly or move the table to which it is connected, the associated foreign key name is automatically moved.

The foreign key constraint name is optionally displayed for a relationship in the middle of a relationship line. If you want to see foreign key names in the diagram window, set the Foreign Key Constraint Name display option.

More information:

Enter a Foreign Key Comment to a Relationship

Specify Physical Properties for a Relationship