Previous Topic: Foreign Key Names

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Assign a Foreign Key Constraint Name

You can assign a foreign key constraint name to a relationship in a physical model so that it can be displayed in the middle of the relationship line in the diagram window.

Note: In a logical model, the counterpart to a foreign key constraint name is the verb phrase.

To assign a foreign key constraint name

  1. Click Relationships on the Model menu.

    The Relationships editor opens.

  2. Select a relationship from the Relationship drop-down list for which you want to assign a foreign key constraint name, then click the General tab.

    The General tab opens.

  3. Enter the foreign key constraint name for the parent-to-child and child-to-parent relationship in the Foreign Key Constraint Name field and click OK.

    Note: For Logical/Physical models, you can click the Reset button to inherit the constraint name from the logical name. If you delete the text from the Foreign Key Constraint Name field, the constraint name is set to an empty string.

    The foreign key constraint name is assigned and the Relationships editor closes.