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Verify CA EEM Application and Users

Log in to CA EEM and verify the users for CA Process Automation.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the CA EEM page.

    CA EEM Login page

  2. Verify and select Process Automation from the Application drop-down.

    This step verifies that the CA Process Automation application has been added to CA EEM.

  3. Log in to CA EEM as the CA EEM Administrator (EiamAdmin).
  4. Select Managed Identities, Users.

    The Search Users page opens.

    PAM41 TP 28

  5. Select Application User Details.
  6. Complete the following details, and click Go.

    Specifies the attribute for the search.

    Value: User Name


    Specifies the operator type.

    Value: LIKE


    Specifies the value for the search. Leave this field blank.

    If the PAMAdmin and PAMUser have been added to Active Directory or AD is not being used, then these users get listed under Users. If they are listed as Orphaned, then assign a CA Process Automation Administrator before continuing.