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Resource Pools

When creating a Reservation Manager resource pool, you must name the resource pool and optionally provide a description. Select a datastore for the resource pool. The datastore list is populated from vCenter. Multiple datastores can be assigned to a resource pool. Resource pools have settings that can be configured by clicking the resource pool name, for example, naming conventions, and maximum reservation times. Additionally, to automatically approve reservation requests setting must be cleared. The Access policy can be defined by assigning an Organizational Unit (OU) to the resource pool. Organizational Units can be assigned later, if they are not yet configured.

VMware resource pool component diagram

Note: When creating the organizational units, you can assign resource pools to the organizational units. Resource pools provide a detailed understanding about the functionality of organizational units.

After you create the resource pool, you can configure based on the advanced features that are listed in the previous graphic.

VMware and the Reservation Manager resource pools have similar purposes. In addition, the resource pools within the Reservation Manager allow you to define, configure, and limit how the resource pool is used.