Previous Topic: Enabling CA Automation Point for Remote Viewing

Next Topic: Securing the Remote Viewer

Accessing the Remote Viewing Dialog

When the TCP/IP connection has been verified, you are ready to enable server-side support for the Remote Viewer.

To set up remote viewing

  1. Start Configuration Manager.
  2. Choose Expert Interface, Automation, Remote Viewing. The Remote Viewing dialog displays.
  3. Click the Enable Remote Viewing check box.
  4. If you intend to use Remote Viewer to remotely start CA Automation Point, specify a domain name, user account name, and password. The user Account is the account under which CA Automation Point runs when it is started from the Remote Viewer. The user account is used by both the Remote Viewer and the automatic startup feature (if enabled).
  5. Optionally, enter the IP names or IP addresses for which you want to enable access to CA Automation Point.

    If you specify IP names or IP addresses in the Trusted Remote Host Name list, CA AP Remote Manager server will accept connections from only those workstations that you specify in the list. If you do not specify anything in the Trusted Remote Host Names list, CA AP Remote Manager server will accept connections from any IP connection.

    IP Names

    IP names in the Trusted Remote Host Names list are compared to the resolved IP name of the incoming connection.

    You can specify IP name masks to allow pattern matching. For example, an IP name mask of APLAB* matches any IP host name beginning with the characters APLAB. An IP name mask of * matches any incoming host name within the mylan domain.

    IP Addresses

    You can enter IPv4 or IPv6 addresses in the Trusted Remote Host Names list, keeping the following in mind:

    You can explicitly specify IPv6 subnet mask to allow wildcard matching. IPv6 IP addresses containing a subnet mask are treated as wildcards matching any incoming connection within the subnet range.

    For example, the IPv6 address [2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1:8a2e:370:7344]/32, matches any address in the range 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 to 2001:0db8:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff.

  6. By default, the CA Automation Point server and Remote Viewer communicate using the TCP/IP port number 5500. You may change it if it is already in use or you want it to be unknown. If you use a value other than 5500, you have to specify this value when you connect to CA Automation Point through the Remote Viewer.

7. Choose from the following levels of Remote User Login Security:

No User Security

Specifies that the user login (ID and password) is not verified. Session-level security is determined by the value set in the Permission Level field for your session.

Windows Security

Specifies that you want to use the Windows security system to enforce user access privileges. The user login is verified on the host machine or domain, if specified. Session-level security is determined by the value set in the Permission Level field for your session. Session-level security by user is optionally determined by mapping session permissions to file permissions.