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Local Escalation

Notification Manager gives each contact a choice concerning escalation paths when the contact forwards notification. The contact must choose whether the escalation path of the contacts that it forwards to should be used. For example, Joe can specify a schedule entry that forwards notification to Mary. Notification Manager (at the appropriate times) uses this information to notify Mary in Joe's absence. However, Notification Manager may be unable to notify Mary and thus need to escalate. In this case, Joe must decide whether Notification Manager should use Mary's escalation path.

The decision is not whether to use Joe's escalation path. Joe's escalation path is always active when Joe is supposed to be notified. When Joe forwards notification to Mary, he must decide whether he wants to allow Mary's escalation path to be tried before his is tried. If Mary's escalation path is tried and actually succeeds in notifying someone, then Joe's forward to Mary is considered successful.