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GLV Command Summary

The following table lists the GLV commands that you can issue through the ADDRESS GLV statement in a REXX program. See the Command and Keyword Reference Guide for command syntax.


Retrieves the current value of a status or GLV variable and assigns that value to a local REXX variable of the same name


Places a list of all variable groups into the external data queue


Places a list of all variable groups directly into a REXX variable


Places the name and value of a variable into the external data queue


Places the name and value of a variable directly into the REXX variable


Deletes all volatile variables in a specified variable group


Assigns the value of a local REXX variable to a volatile status or GLV variable of the same name


Assigns the value of a local REXX variable to a non-volatile status or GLV variable of the same name. (This command creates or updates a .glv file.)


Selects a particular variable group for succeeding GLV commands to act upon. This command is valid globally as a stand-alone command or locally as an operand in most other GLV commands.


Assigns values to one or more volatile variables


Assigns a literal value, which can contain blanks, to a single volatile variable


Assigns a literal value, which can contain blanks, to a single non-volatile variable. (This command creates or updates a .glv file.)


Assigns values to one or more non-volatile variables. (This command creates or updates a .glv file.)


Places the version number of GLV services on your workstation to the external data queue


Places the version number of GLV services on your workstation into a REXX variable