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User Volumes Tab

The User Volumes tab allows you to configure volumes for the appliance instance. Not all appliances need volumes to be configured for them; typically, only appliances that work with application-specific persistent data have such volumes. If the volume list on this tab is empty, the appliance instance does not need volumes.

Only "placeholder" volumes need to be configured through the instance settings (see the volumes tab in Simple Class Editor property sheet). Other volumes needed by the appliance -- such as its boot volume -- are provided automatically by the appliance class and don't need to be configured explicitly.

For each placeholder volume in the appliance, you can configure an application volume that should be used for this appliance.

To add or remove application volumes, go to the Application Configuration property sheet, select the User Volumes tab and press the Manage Volumes button.

Instead of picking a specific application volume, you can also redirect the volume selection to the containing assembly. To do this, select the redirect button and click a volume defined on the assembly boundary.
