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CA ARCserve Central Applications Database Services Do Not Start

Valid on Windows platforms and Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition databases.


When you start or restart the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager server or the server where the CA ARCserve Central Applications database is installed, the CA ARCserve Central Applications database services do not start.


When you start a computer, services report their startup status to the operating system. When services do not report a status to the operating system within a predetermined period time (or the timeout period), Windows stops the services. By default, when the CA ARCserve Central Applications services do not report a status to Windows within 30 seconds of the start time, Windows stops the CA ARCserve Central Applications database service. You are more likely to encounter problems of this type when the database is installed on a server that lacks sufficient resources. However, you can prevent this problem occurring by increasing the timeout period for startup. To increase the timeout period, do the following:

  1. Open Windows Registry Editor and locate the following key:
  2. Right-click Control, point to New, and click Key on the pop-up menu.

    A key named New Key #1 is created.

  3. Rename New Key #1 to ServicesPipeTimeout.
  4. Right-click ServicesPipeTimeout and click Modify on the pop-up menu.

    The Edit DWORD Value dialog opens.

  5. In the Value data field, specify the value that you want to set for the timeout period. Express the value in milliseconds. For example, to set the timeout period to 60 seconds, specify 60000 in the Value data field.

    Note: One second equals 1000 milliseconds.

    Click OK.

    The timeout period is applied.

  6. To apply the changes to Windows, restart the computer.