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Characters from Localized Servers Appear as Garbled Text in the Nimsoft UMP Alarm Console

Valid on Windows.


Characters from alert messages received from localized servers appear as garbled text in the Nimsoft Unified Monitoring Portal (UMP) Alarm Console.


This behavior occurs when the character set running on the server that is sending alerts is different from the character set that is running on the Nimsoft server. The solution to this behavior is to configure the Nimsoft server to use UTF-8 encoding. To configure the Nimsoft server to use UTF-8 encoding, do the following:

  1. Verify that the dashboard engine is configured to use –Dfile.encoding=utf-8 as a startup parameter.
  2. Verify that the wasp Extra Java VM arguments option is defined as –Dfile.encoding=utf-8.

Note: For more information, see the Nimsoft documentation.