Installing CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager › Prerequisite Installation Tasks
Prerequisite Installation Tasks
Before you install the application, complete the following prerequisite tasks:
- Review the Release Notes. The Release Notes contain a description of system requirements, supported operating systems, and a list of issues that are known to exist with this release of the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager.
- Verify that your system meets the software and hardware requirements that are needed to install the application.
- Verify that your Windows account has administrator privileges or any other equal privileges to install software on the computers where you plan to install CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager.
- Verify that you have the user names and passwords of the computers where you are installing the application in your possession.
- Verify that the server where you install CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager and the nodes where you want to deploy policies can communicate with each other using their host names. To verify that the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager servers and nodes can communicate with each other, do the following:
- From the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager server, ping the nodes using the host names of the nodes.
- From the nodes that you want to protect, ping the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager server using the host name of the server.
- CA ARCserve Central Applications lets you install CA ARCserve D2D and upgrade the previous version to the latest version on remote nodes using the Deploy utility. To back up data on the remote nodes using the latest version of CA ARCserve D2D, you must obtain the latest version of CA ARCserve D2D licenses and apply the licenses on the nodes. If you do not apply the licenses within 31 days of the date that you installed or upgraded on the nodes, CA ARCserve D2D stops working.
- The CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager installation media contains Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition, which is the minimum database application that is required to support the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager database. If you want to use Microsoft SQL Server to support the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager database, install Microsoft SQL Server on the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager server or a remote server before you install CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager. If the installation routine detects a version of Microsoft SQL Server that is not supported, the installation routine fails. For more information about the supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server, see the Release Notes.
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