Installing CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager › Installation Considerations
Installation Considerations
Before you install CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager, review the following installation considerations:
- The CA ARCserve Central Applications installation package installs a module named CA ARCserve Central Applications Server. The server is a module that is common to all applications. The module contains the web service, binaries, and configurations that let the application communicate with each other.
When you install the application, the installation package installs the CA ARCserve Central Applications Server module before installing the product components. If it becomes necessary to apply a patch to the application, the patch updates the module before updating the product components.
- When you deploy CA ARCserve D2D to remote nodes, CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager installs VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) 1.2.1 on the target nodes. The CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager installation media includes the setup files that are required to install VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) 1.2.1 on the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager server and on the target node. Therefore, you do not need to download the VDDK setup files from the VMware website to deploy CA ARCserve D2D to remote nodes.
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