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Modify Node Groups

The application lets you modify the node groups that you created. You can add and remove nodes from node groups and change the name of node groups.

Note: You cannot modify the following node groups:

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the application.

    From the Navigation Bar on the home page, click Node.

    The Node screen displays.

  2. Click the node group that you want to modify and then click Modify in the Node Group toolbar.

    The Modify Group dialog opens.

  3. To modify the Group Name, specify a new name in the Group Name field.
  4. To add nodes to the node group, select the node or nodes that you want to add to the node group and click the right arrow.

    The nodes move from the Available Node list to the Selected Nodes list, and are assigned to the node group.

    Note: To move all nodes from the Available Node list to the Selected Nodes list, click the double right arrow.

  5. To remove nodes from the node group, click the left arrow or the double left arrow to remove one or all nodes respectively.
  6. (Optional) To filter the available nodes based on common criteria, specify a filtering value in the Node Name Filter field.

    Note: The Filter field supports the use of wildcard characters.

    For example, Acc* lets you filter all nodes having a node name that begins with Acc. To clear the filter results, click the X in the Filter field.

  7. Click OK.

The node group is modified.

Note: When you assign a CA ARCserve Backup Global Dashboard node to a node group, all CA ARCserve Backup branches render to the CA ARCserve Backup Global Dashboard node even though all branches do not belong to the node group. Therefore, when you select the node group that contains the CA ARCserve Backup Global Dashboard node in the CA ARCserve Central Reporting application, the reports will not display data for all branches from the Global Dashboard node.