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Add Node Groups

Node groups let you manage a collection of CA ARCserve D2D source computers based on common characteristics. For example, you can define node groups classified by the department they support: Accounting, Marketing, Legal, Human Resources, and so on.

The application contains the following node groups:

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the application.

    From the Navigation bar on the home page, click Node to open the Node screen.

  2. Click Add on the Node Group toolbar.

    The Add Group dialog opens and nodes appear in the Available Nodes list.

  3. Specify a Group Name for the node group.
  4. Specify the following fields from the Add Group dialog:
  5. To add nodes to the node group, select the node or nodes that you want to add and click the single right arrow.

    The nodes move from the Available Node list to the Selected Nodes list, and are assigned to the node group.

    Note: To select and move all the nodes from the current group, click the double right arrow.

  6. (Optional) To move nodes from the Selected Nodes list to the Available Nodes list, click the single left arrow.

    Note: To select and move all nodes in the current group, click the double left arrow.

  7. Click OK.

The Node Group is added.