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User-Interface Object Action Options

The Actions option is only available for certain objects and it is used to perform actions on specific object items. The actions available for an object relate to specific functionality of the object being accessed.

Note: If the Windows Client Help on Object or the Web Client Object-object_name-Help for an object lists Actions, but the Actions menu option does not display any Actions, it is because your CA GMI license does not authorize you to use them.

Example: Display of the Action menu of the Volume Space Usage object

The following is a sample of the Volume Space Usage object Action menu displayed in the Web Client:

Screen shot example of the Web Client Actions Menu displayed from the Volume Space Usage object.

The following is a sample of the Volume Space Usage object Action menu displayed in the Windows Client:

This is a screen shot example of the Windows Client Volume Space Usage object, showing the Actions drop-down list for it.

Note: When object actions are performed, security checks are made with the proper access levels. The user ID for each security check will be either the user ID associated with the CA GMI started task, or the user ID that owns the script (the person who created or last modified it). For more information about the security system, see the description of system parameter SECURSCR in the CAVantage SRM Configuration Guide.