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Scale Option

The Scale option list lets you select the scale base units for displaying numerical data. The difference between requesting K, M, G, and so on, as opposed to KB, MB, GB and so on is that those with the appended B mean multiples of 1024, while those without the B mean multiples of 1000. For example:

Note: The Customize View Wizard in the Web Client provides a similar field scaling feature. For more information, see the CAVantage SRM Web Client Guide.

To scale a column of numeric data in the Windows Client

  1. Click the Definitions icon (Definitions icon) on the Windows Client toolbar of the object view.

    The View and Output Definition dialog appears.

  2. Click the Fields option in the left navigation pane of the View and Output Definition dialog.

    The Fields dialog appears.

  3. Click the cell in the Scale column of the Field row for which you want to establish the scale for.

    A scale options list appears as show in the following sample:

    This is a screen shot example of the Windows Client View and Output wizard with the Fields Scales drop down list displayed.

  4. Select the scale you want to use.

    The scale selected appears in the cell in the Scale column of the Field.

  5. Click OK.

    The View and Output Definition dialog closes and the object view is updated with the scales selected. The column heading displays the scale after the heading title, for example if you selected a scale of GB for Free Bytes the column heading title will indicate the scale is GB and would look like the following sample in your object view:

    Free Bytes - GB scale