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Zoom to Another Object from the Volume Object

You can work with multiple objects at the same time using zooms. A zoom is a view of another z/OS object related to the currently displayed object.

To zoom to object information in another object

  1. Click a row in the Table View of the CA 1 Volumes/VISTMCS object.

    The row is highlighted.

  2. Click the Open Zoom icon in the Table View Menu Bar.

    The Zoom list of CA 1 Volumes/VISTMCS dialog appears. The list consists of objects related to the CA 1 Volumes/VISTMCS object. The following is a sample of the Zoom list of CA 1 Volumes/VISTMCS dialog.

    The Zoom list allows you to select a CA 1 object and open a window that displays only the data associated with the selected volume.

  3. Click an object in the Zoom list of CA 1 Volumes/VISTMCS dialog.

    The Table View of the object selected appears showing only information found in the object selected that is related to the Volume highlighted in step 1.

Example: Display CA 1 Data Set Name Blocks (DSNBS) object information related to CA 1 Volume 102338

In the following example the Zoom to CA 1 Data Set Name Blocks (DSNBs)/VISDSNB displays the data set associated with the selected volume 102338.