Consider the following use case scenario for Remote Monitoring. An enterprise offers a web book store consisting of services to order books and services to browse for books.
The servers are GERSERV1 and GERSERV2 in Munich and UKSERV1 and UKSERV2 in London. They are configured for load balancing and failover.
Monitoring of the services depends whether it is an order service or a browse service. In this example, two configuration sets (one for each service type) are defined. They comprise queries and monitors for the following information:
The percentage of the total CPU idle time.
The free space of the logical disk important for the respective service type (C: for an order service and D: for a browse service).
The working set size of the order process (single process order.exe) or the sum of the working set size of all browse processes (group of processes browse).
For each monitored system, depending on the service role (order, browse, or both), the following configuration sets are assigned:
SystemName |
ConfigSet |
order browse |
order |
order browse |
browse |
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