Before you configure remote agents, verify that the following prerequisites are met.
The RM AIM system accesses the RM system through a WMI connection. WMI uses DCOM communication which uses an End Point Mapper (EPMAP) Port TCP (135) and a DCOM TCP port which EPMAP dynamically identifies.
To simplify configuration, the RM AIM must be located within the same firewall boundaries as the RM systems.
Note: For more information about using a fixed port search for the article "Setting Up a Fixed Port for WMI" on the Microsoft MSDN website.
The RM AIM utilizes the SNMP infrastructure provided by SystemEDGE; it does not require additional ports.
RM configurations are performed using SNMP. Because the configuration data includes passwords, RM uses password encryption.
The manager system accesses the SystemEDGE system through SNMP, which requires that the SNMP port (UDP 161 incoming) is open on the SystemEDGE system. The SystemEDGE system sends SNMP traps (UDP 162 outgoing).
The manager system accesses the SystemEDGE system through CAM, which requires that the UDP (4104) or TCP (4105) port are opened on the SystemEDGE AIM system. The SystemEDGE AIM system uses CAM to send messages to the manager system.
The RM AIM connects to RM Systems using WMI and requires credentials. As a best practice the RM systems must be a member of an AD Domain (for example, RIVER). This membership lets you use a domain account and avoids the need to define local user accounts on each RM System. Create a CARMuser domain account that is a member of the Domain Admins group of the AD Domain.
When user credential settings are prompted for during RM installation, provide the domain account (for example, RIVER\CARMuser) with the password. For any system member of this domain, no additional configuration is required.
Note: If necessary, you can restrict the CARMuser access rights so the user is not a member of the Domain Admins group. In this case, configure WMI Namespace access and DCOM access. For more information about defining WMI Namespace access and DCOM access, see the Microsoft website.
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