To stop monitoring a MIB variable, you must remove the appropriate entry from the Self Monitor table and the file. Removing an entry using point configuration from the CA Virtual Assurance user interface accomplishes both. Manual removal requires that you remove the entry from both places in separate operations.
To remove self monitor entries in CA Virtual Assurance
The Managed Resource pane and Data Center page appear.
A page appears with server details.
The Self Monitor table appears with all existing self monitors.
The entry is deleted from the table. CA Virtual Assurance loads the changed file to the agent. The agent performs a warm start to apply the change.
To remove self monitor entries manually
edgemon -o delete index
edgemon -o setstatus index 6
Specifies the index value of the self monitor entry to remove.
When using the setstatus command, a value of 6 sets the row status to destroy and deletes the entry.
Note: If the is edited, you must restart the agent.
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