This section provides examples of how to use the edgemon command with SNMP versions 1, 2c, and 3.
Example: Monitor One Minute Load Average with edgemon
The following example creates an entry at index 11 in the agent's Self Monitor table that monitors the system's one minute load average for a threshold of 3. The examples below show IPv4 addresses, but you can specify IPv6 addresses as well.
edgemon -h fe80::901:dc19 -c private -v 1 -o oid loadAverage1Min.0 11 0x00 60 absolute '>' 300 "Monitor 1 minute load average" "" “” “” “” fatal
edgemon -h fe80::901:dc19 -c private -v 2c -o oid loadAverage1Min.0 11 0x00 60 absolute '>' 300 "Monitor 1 minute load average" "" “” “” “” minor
edgemon -h -v 3 -u userName -s 3 -a authPassword -A MD5 -x encryptPassword -X DES -o oid loadAverage1Min.0 11 0x00 60 absolute '>' 300 "Monitor 1 minute load average" ""
Example: Monitor Hardware Interrupts with edgemon
The following example creates a Self Monitor table entry to monitor the number of hardware interrupts on the underlying system against the threshold 1000. The examples below show IPv4 addresses, but you can specify IPv6 addresses as well.
edgemon -h fe80::901:dc19 -c private -v 1 -o oid numInterrupts.0 14 0x00500400 60 delta '>' 1000 "Monitor Interrupt Rate" ""
edgemon -h fe80::901:dc19 -c private -v 2c -o oid numInterrupts.0 14 0x00500400 60 delta '>' 1000 "Monitor Interrupt Rate" "" “” “” “” minor
edgemon -h -v 3 -u userName -s 3 -a authPassword -A MD5 -x encryptPassword -X DES -o oid numInterrupts.0 14 0x00500400 60 delta '>' 1000 "Monitor Interrupt Rate" ""
The agent creates this entry at index 14 and samples the numInterrupts variable every 60 seconds. The flags field of 0x00500400 instructs the agent to modify the default Self Monitor table behavior as follows:
Instructs the agent to send up to X consecutive monitorEvent traps and then send no more.
Contains the flag value X=5 for use with the directive.
Example: Monitor the /usr File System with edgemon
The following example creates a Self Monitor table entry at index 20 to monitor the system's /usr file system for a capacity greater than or equal to 95%, checking the file system every two minutes (120 seconds). The examples below show IPv4 addresses, but you can specify IPv6 addresses as well.
edgemon -h -c private -v 1 -o filesystem /usr devCapacity 20 0x00100500 120 absolute '>=' 95 "Monitor /usr Filesystem" "" “” “” “” critical
edgemon -h -c private -v 2c -o filesystem /usr devCapacity 20 0x00100500 120 absolute '>=' 95 "Monitor /usr Filesystem" ""
edgemon -h fe80::901:dc19 -v 3 -u userName -s 3 -a authPassword -A MD5 -x encryptPassword -X DES -o filesystem /usr devCapacity 20 0x00100500 120 absolute '>=' 95 "Monitor /usr Filesystem" "" “” “” “” critical
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