CA NSM can integrate with the SystemEDGE agent to use agent data to manage discovered systems. Combining SystemEDGE agent management capabilities with CA NSM DSM functionality can provide a layered systems monitoring architecture with unique managed objects monitored by each agent.
CA NSM contains DSM classes and policy for the SystemEDGE agent and can discover and poll the agent for system information. A DSM-monitored object is created each time an object table entry appears, and CA NSM can handle traps sent from the object tables. The SystemEDGE Agent View lets you view a summary of the agent and create entries in the Self Monitor and Process Monitor tables within CA NSM.
Starting with CA NSM r11.2 SP1, CA NSM can interpret states created and maintained by the SystemEDGE state management model for the SystemEDGE agent and the SRM AIM. When you integrate CA NSM with CA Virtual Assurance, you can access the CA Virtual Assurance user interface from in-context links in the Management Command Center to access the remote agent deployment and configuration functionality.
Note: For more information about the CA NSM integration with CA Virtual Assurance, see the CA Virtual Assurance documentation.
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