You can run the nhAddSysEdgeMonEntries command to configure the SystemEDGE agent to monitor critical eHealth processes and system logs. The command adds entries to the file, and it stops and restarts the SystemEDGE agent to implement the changes.
Note: For more information about the nhAddSysEdgeMonEntries command, see the CA eHealth Administration Reference.
When you use SystemEDGE with eHealth, the eHealth poller can collect data from SystemEDGE agents and store it in the eHealth database so it is available to the eHealth reporting and real-time monitoring tools. You can run At-a-Glance (AAG), Trend, Top N, What-If Capacity Trend, System Health, and MyHealth reports for systems to perform capacity planning, accurately document service problems, and troubleshoot potential problems.
Note: For more information about eHealth application, see the CA eHealth System and Application Administration Guide.
eHealth supports running the SystemEDGE agent with legacy monitors (that is, monitors that do not use SystemEDGE r5.0 functionality). Several CA Virtual Assurance-specific features are not available when using the agent with eHealth and eHealth AdvantEDGE View. For more information about legacy monitors and legacy mode (running the agent without CA Virtual Assurance), see the chapter "Concepts." To enable the full functionality of the agent, you must manage the agent with CA Virtual Assurance. For more information, see the CA Virtual Assurance documentation.
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