After you create File I/O test using user interface, you apply it to machines across the enterprise. CA Virtual Assurance applies the compiled configuration file containing all settings to all specified agent machines. The new policy is implemented after an automatic agent warm start.
Follow these steps:
The Policy page appears.
The Available Policies page appears.
The Summary page for the policy appears with the list of policies
File I/O policy details appear in the right pane.
Tabs appear for selecting machines on which to apply the policy. The Update machines running this policy tab lets you apply the policy to machines that are already running the policy. The Apply to Machines not running this Policy tab lets you apply the policy to machines that have no policy or using a different policy.
Select any of these options. Policy exceptions occur when a user applies a point configuration change to an agent that is not represented in the applied policy.
The policy application is initiated.
You can also reapply the policy to system when one of the following occurs:
Once you apply the test, each sample test runs every 30 seconds and times out after 10 seconds when the operation is not successful. Statistics for response and availability are calculated over 120-second intervals.
Based on these results, the administrator monitors and manages the health of the virtual network.
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