This example reads the C:\sysedge\bin\saFileIOTest.bin file and reads the F:\Test\CompTest.bin file, and compares their contents.
Follow these steps:
The New test pane appears.
Specifies a valid test name
Example: fileio
Specifies the description of the test
Example: Comparing files
(Optional) Specifies a valid test class
Example: File IO Comp
Specifies the interval period of the test
Default: 30
Specifies the interval period of the test
Default: 10
Specifies the test type
Example: File I/O
Specifies the available operations for the test
Example: Compare
Specifies the path of source filename
Example: C:\sysedge\bin\saFileIOTest.bin
Specifies the path of destination filename
Example: F:\Test\CompTest.bin
Specifies the user name
Example: FIOTestUser
When you commit your changes, SRM adds an entry similar to the following to the file:
{ index=44 type=fileio desc="Comparing files." destination=F:\Test\CompTest.bin args="op=cmp&local=C:\sysedge\bin\saFileIOTest.bin" interval=30 samples=1 timeout=10 window=120 tos=0 status=active name="File Compare" class="" context="" flags="1" loglevel=3 }
When you apply the File I/O test, the file is executed.
For information about the errors returned by File I/O tests, see File I/O Test Error Codes.
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