The dpmvc-delete command deletes a VM that is in a powered off state. Use this command to clean up and free unused resources.
Important! Verify that you back up any important data before you issue this command. This command deletes the VM data store and data files for the VM, including the disk image.
This command has the following format:
dpmvc-delete {-datacenter_name datacentername | -vc vcenterservername} -vm_name vmname
Specifies the data center where the VM is located.
Specifies the vCenter Server where the VM is located.
Specifies the VM.
Example: Delete a VM in a Single vCenter Server Environment
This example deletes the VM "vm11."
dpmvc-delete -vm_name vm11 -datacenter_name lab444
Example: Delete a VM in a Multiple vCenter Server Environment
This example deletes the VM "vm11."
dpmvc-delete -vm_name vm11 -datacenter_name lab444 -vc vc_server_1
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