The dpmvc-datastore command retrieves the free space and capacity settings for a specific VMware vCenter data store.
This command has the following format:
dpmvc-datastore {-datacenter_name datacentername | -vc vcenterservername} -datastore_name datastorename [-getproperty {all|capacity|freespace}]
(Optional) Specifies which property to retrieve. Options include the following:
Retrieves capacity and free space in the data store.
Retrieves the capacity in the data store.
Retrieves the free space in the data store.
Specifies the data center where the VM is located.
Specifies the vCenter Server where the VM is located.
Specifies the name of the data store where the new VM is located.
Example: Get all Properties for the Data Store
This example retrieves both free space and capacity for the data store.
dpmvc-datastore -getproperty all -datacenter_name VAS/MyCity -datastore_name storage1
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