The dpmovf import command imports the OVF package and creates VMs or vApps. You can provide a custom properties file by using the -properties attribute. A custom properties file allows you to specify custom properties that are defined in the OVF package. The custom properties file contains a list of property keys and the corresponding property values.
Note: If you do not have a custom properties file, the properties.txt file is created in your working directory. The default directory is CA\ProductName\bin.
This command has the following format:
dpmovf import -host vCenter_server -user user_name -password user_password -name VM_VApp_name -path OVF_file_path -datacenter data_center -datastore data_store -resourcepool resource_pool [-locale iso639value] [-properties properties_file]-
Specifies the name of the vCenter server host.
Specifies the user name to log in.
Specifies the user password to log in.
Specifies the name of the VM or the vApp.
Specifies the OVF file path.
Specifies the data center name.
Specifies the data store.
Specifies the resource pool.
(Optional) Specifies an IS0 639_3166 combination to override the default English output, for example, fr_FR for French. To use the locale of the command prompt, specify "native".
(Optional) Specifies the custom properties file path.
Example: Import the OVF file for CA Platform using CA Virtual Assurance
This example imports CA Platform OVF package and creates a vApp and VMs. The CA Platform OVF file is CA Platform_v1_0_0_92c.ovf and the file location is D:\OVF\CA_Platform. The username is user123. The following attributes for the vApp are specified: my_datastore, my_datacenter, and my_resourcepool. The custom properties are provided in the custom_properties.txt file.
dpmovf import -path "D:\OVF\CA_Platform\CA Platform_v1_0_0_92c.ovf" -name "My_CA_Platform" -host -user user123 -locale en-US -datastore "my_datastore" -datacenter "my_datacenter" -resourcepool "my_resourcepool" -properties "custom_properties.txt"
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