A vApp is a specific resource pool which treats a collection of VMs as a single unit. vApp uses the Open Virtualization Format. The Open Virtualization Format (OVF) is a standard to specify and encapsulate all components of a multi-tier application and the operational policies and service levels that are associated with it. CA Virtual Assurance can perform operations on a vApp. An operation on a vApp is propagated to all VMs in the vApp.
You can partition any vApp into smaller vApps to divide and assign resources to specific groups or for specific purposes. You can add resources like VMs, Resource Pools, or vApps to an existing vApp. You can also hierarchically organize and nest vApps.
A vApp is represented at the host and cluster level.
CA Virtual Assurance supports the following management operations on the vApp level:
CA Virtual Assurance supports the following provisioning operations on vApps:
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