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The following list provides you detailed information about the available performance metrics:

CPU Idle [%]

The percentage of time (over the sample period) for which the CPUs of the system were idle.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

CPU Idle [ticks/s]

The average number of ticks per second by all CPUs in Idle mode. This variable is not supported by NT.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

CPU System [%]

The percentage of time (over the sample period) for which the CPUs of the system were executing the kernel or operating system.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

CPU System [ticks/s]

The total number of 'ticks' per second spent by all CPUs in Kernel or system mode.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

CPU Usage [%]

The percentage of time (over the sample period) for which the CPUs of the system were used.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

CPU User [%]

The percentage of time (over the sample period) for which the CPUs of the system were executing in user mode.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

CPU User [ticks/s]

The total number of 'ticks' per second spent by all CPUs in User mode.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Context Switches [switch/s]

The number of context switches per second that have occurred. A context switch occurs each time that a process gives up the CPU and another takes its place. This counter reflects the level of system activity. A high rate of context switching is indicative of the system load.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Device Usage [%]

The percentage of the device total capacity that is in use.

SNMP source:

Category: disk

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Inbound Discards [packet/s]

Number of discarded inbound packets per second. Packets had no errors and were discarded to prevent delivery to a higher-layer protocol, for example, to free up buffer space.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Inbound Errors [packet/s]

The number of inbound packets per second that contained errors preventing their delivery to a higher-layer protocol.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Inbound Rate [Byte/s]

The number of octets per second that are received on the interface, including framing characters.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Inbound non-unicast packets [packet/s]

The number of non-unicast packets per second, for example, subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast, that are delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Inbound unicast packets [packet/s]

The number of subnetwork-unicast packets per second that are delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Inbound unknown packets [packet/s]

The number of packets per second that are received through the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Load Average 1 minute

The load average over the last 1 minute. The load average represents the average number of jobs in the run queue over the specified time range.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Load Average 15 minutes

The load average over the last 15 minutes. The load average represents the average number of jobs in the run queue over the specified time range.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Load Average 5 minutes

The load average over the last 5 minutes. The load average represents the average number of jobs in the run queue over the specified time range.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Memory Active [%]

The percentage of the active memory of the system that is in use. Virtual memory allows systems to operate with a higher memory capacity value. To judge how loaded a system is, managers should also monitor swap capacity.

SNMP source:

Category: mem

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Memory Active [Byte]

The total active real memory (Bytes) sampled over a fixed period. The sampling interval is system-dependent. In SunOS, the kernel updates this parameter once every 5 seconds. Memory is active when it is being used by a process running in memory. This value should be less than or equal to memInUse. A high value may indicate a system with insufficient memory.

SNMP source:

Category: mem

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Memory Usage [%]

The percentage of the system memory in use. Virutal memory allows systems to operate with a higher memCapacity value. To judge how loaded a system is, Managers should also monitor swapCapacity.

SNMP source:

Category: mem

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Memory Usage [Byte]

The total real Bytes of memory in use that is sampled over a fixed period. The sampling interval is system-dependent. In SunOS, the kernel updates this parameter once every 5 seconds. Comparing memInUse to memory (in the Concord 'sysedgeSystem' group) can help indicate whether a system has sufficient memory for its current load.

SNMP source:

Category: mem

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Open Files Count

The system-wide total number of open files.

SNMP source:

Category: general

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Outbound Errors [packet/s]

The number of outbound packets per second that could not be transmitted because of errors.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Outbound Rate [Byte/s]

The total number of octets per second that are transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Outbound discarded packets [packet/s]

The number of discarded outbound packets per second. Packets had no errors and were discarded to prevent their transmission. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Outbound non-unicast packets [packet/s]

The total number of packets per second that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted to a non-unicast address, for example, a subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast. This number includes packets that were discarded or not sent.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Outbound unicast packets [packet/s]

The total number of packets per second that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted to a subnetwork-unicast address, including the packets that were discarded or not sent.

SNMP source:

Category: net

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Page Faults [faults/s]

The total number of page faults that have occurred since the kernel was last initialized. A page fault occurs when a running process attempts to access a virtual memory page that is not currently in physical memory. A high rage of page faults may indicate an overloaded system or insufficient memory.

SNMP source:

Category: mem

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Page Ins [page/s]

The number of pages per second that have been paged in. Page-in is an operation, that the virtual memory system performs, in which the contents of a page are read from secondary storage. A high rate of change may indicate an overloaded system.

SNMP source:

Category: mem

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Page Outs [page/s]

The number of pages per second that have been paged out. Page-out is an operation, that the virtual memory system performs, in which the contents of a page are written to secondary storage. A high rate of change may indicate an overloaded system.

SNMP source:

Category: mem

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Process Count

The number of process contexts that are currently loaded or running on this system.

SNMP source:

Category: general

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Scheduler Queue Length

The length of a run queue that is sampled over a fixed period. The sampling interval is system-dependent. In SunOS, the kernel updates this parameter once every 5 seconds. The load average is computed from the runQLen value.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Swap Space Total [Byte]

The total system swap space in Bytes.

SNMP source:

Category: swap

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Swap Usage [%]

The percentage of the total system swap that is in use. This object is an aggregate value over all the swap partitions and areas.

SNMP source:

Category: swap

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Swap Usage [Byte]

The amount of swap space (Bytes) currently in use. Swap space is used when memory is in short supply. Typically, entire processes are swapped out to secondary storage. Comparing this value to totalSwap (in Concord kernelConfig group) can help indicate whether more swap space is needed.

SNMP source:

Category: swap

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

System Calls [call/s]

The number of system calls per second that have occurred. System calls occur when a process calls a function which must execute in kernel or privileged mode; it is an indicator of the system load and may be higher on servers or machines shared by many users.

SNMP source:

Category: cpu

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

User Sessions

The number of user sessions for which this host is storing state information. A session is a collection of processes requiring a single act of user authentication and is possibly subject to collective job control.

SNMP source:

Category: general

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem

Zombie Process Count

The current number of zombie processes that are found on the system. This MIB object is found by adding up all processes with a processStateStr of zombie. The lower the number the better. Supported in SystemEDGE 4.1 and higher.

SNMP source:

Category: general

Associated CIM class: CA_ComputerSystem