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CA SystemEDGE Enhancement Metrics

Enhance SystemEDGE with the following metrics to enable migration of NSM system and Performance agents. SystemEDGE agent reads the required variables from OS every 30 seconds and stores them to the internal cache the same way other statistics are retrieved.

New variables are visible under the same name as in CA Systems Performance LiteAgent but on a different OID. The following tables map the required CA Systems Performance LiteAgent variables to SystemEDGE variables:


NSM Item

SystemEDGE Item





%total - Sum of the user and system CPU usage.



Number of forks per second.

FreePhysical Memory

performance. memoryStats. freePhysicalMemory

The percentage of physical (real) memory not in use.

RequestsPage Inssec

performance. memoryStats.

The number of pages paged in per second.

RequestsPage Outssec

performance. memoryStats. requestsPageOutssec

The number of pages that are paged out per second.

SystemUsageFree Memory

performance. memoryStats. systemUsageFreeMemory

The total amount of unallocated virtual memory. (in kBytes)

SystemUsageTotal Memory

performance. memoryStats. systemUsageTotalMemory

The total amount of  virtual memory available on the system. (in kBytes)

SystemUsageUsed Memory

performance. memoryStats. systemUsageUsedMemory

System Usage Used Memory - The total number of kBytes of virtual memory in use.

ScanRatePage Scanssec

performance. memoryStats. scanRatePageScanssec

The frequency with which the kernel checks for free memory pages.

RequestsPageFree Bytessec

performance.memoryStats. requestsPageFreeBytessec

The amount of space that is released to the kernel by terminating processes.


performance. memoryStats.requestsPageFrees

The total number of pages that are released to the kernel since the system was started.

RequestsPage Freessec

performance. memoryStats. requestsPageFreessec

The number of pages that are released to the kernel by terminating processes.

RequestsPage InBytessec

performance. memoryStats. requestsPageInBytessec

The amount of data that is paged in per second.

RequestsPage OutBytessec

performance. memoryStats. requestsPageOutBytessec

The amount of data that is paged out per second.

RequestsPage ReclaimBytessec

performance.memoryStats. requestsPageReclaimBytessec

The amount of space in pages that is reclaimed from the free list.

RequestsPage Reclaimssec

performance. memoryStats. requestsPageReclaimssec

The number of pages that are reclaimed per second.

InterfaceTraffic Incomingsec <index>. interfaceTrafficIncomingsec

Number of input packets per second for each interface card.

InterfaceTraffic Outgoingsec

performance. network .ifEntry. <index>. interfaceTrafficOutgoingsec

Number of output packets per second for each interface card.


performance. network.ifEntry. <index>.inputErrors

The number of input errors. These errors usually indicate faulty hardware, which can range from another computer that is generating bad packets to a bad connector or terminator.


performance. network .ifEntry. <index>.inputpackets

The number of input packets that are transferred on the interface.


performance. network .ifEntry. <index>.outputpackets

The number of output packets that are transferred on the interface.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsBlkss

Number of bytes transferred (in 512-byte units) from and to the device.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsRWs

Number of data transfers per second (read and writes) from and to the device.


devTable. <index>. devAllocatedSpace

Total number of MB available in the file system.


devTable. <index>. devFreeSpace

Number of available MB on the file system. This item may not include space that is reserved for the superuser.


devTable. <index>. devFfiles

Number of free inodes for the file system (corresponds to the number of files and devices that are allowed on a file system). The inode table on some systems is dynamically allocated so the number of free entries is small.


devTable. <index>. devInodesUsed

Number of inodes or files in use for the file system.


devTable. <index>. devCapacity

Percentage of file system space in use for the file system. For most file systems, this item does not include any extra space that is reserved for the superuser. Thus the value agrees with df, unlike the "Filesystem" group which reports all the space on the partition, some of which may not be available to the ordinary user. This difference typically applies to file systems such as /opt, /var, or /home but / or /tmp.


devTable. <index>. devUsedSpace

Number of MB in use on the file system.

DiskTime, busy

diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsUtilization

The utilization rate (percentage utilization) for this disk over the last measurement period. This item could also be expressed as:(disk-busy-time / elapsed-time) * 100.

%busy - Portion of time that the device was busy servicing a request.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsAvgBytesRead

Average number of bytes transferred from the disk during read operations.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsAvgBytesWrite

Average number of bytes transferred to the disk during write operations.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsReadTime

Percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive is busy servicing read requests.



diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsWriteTime

Percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive is busy servicing write requests.

AvgDiskQueue Length

diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsQueueLength

The average number of operations waiting in the service queue over the last measurement period.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsReadBytessec

The rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsWriteBytessec

The rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.



diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsServiceTime

The average service time in milliseconds for operations that are served on this disk over the last measurement period. Also expressed as:disk-busy-time / number-of-transfers.


NSM Item

SystemEDGE Item



kernelperf. forkRequestssec

Number of forks per second.


performance.memoryStats. freePhysicalMemory

The percentage of physical (real) memory not in use.

RequestsPage Inssec

performance.memoryStats. requestsPageInssec

The number of pages paged in per second.

RequestsPage Outssec

performance.memoryStats. requestsPageOutssec

The number of pages that are paged out per second.

SystemUsageFree Memory

performance.memoryStats. systemUsageFreeMemory

The total amount of unallocated virtual memory. (in kBytes)

SystemUsageTotal Memory

performance.memoryStats. systemUsageTotalMemory

The total amount of  virtual memory available on the system. (in kBytes)

SystemUsageUsed Memory

performance.memoryStats. systemUsageUsedMemory

System Usage Used Memory - The total number of kBytes of virtual memory in use.

ScanRatePage Scanssec

performance.memoryStats. scanRatePageScanssec

The frequency with which the kernel checks for free memory pages.


kernelperf. pagesIntransit

The total number of in-transit blocking page faults.


kernelperf. pagesIntransitsec

The number of in-transit blocking page faults per second.

RequestsPageFree Bytessec

performance.memoryStats. requestsPageFreeBytessec

The amount of space that is released to the kernel by terminating processes.


performance.memoryStats. requestsPageFrees

The total number of pages that are released to the kernel since the system was started.

RequestsPage Freessec

performance.memoryStats. requestsPageFreessec

The number of pages that are released to the kernel by terminating processes.

RequestsPage InBytessec

performance.memoryStats. requestsPageInBytessec

The amount of data that is paged in per second.

RequestsPage OutBytessec

performance.memoryStats. requestsPageOutBytessec

The amount of data that is paged out per second.

RequestsPage ReclaimBytessec

performance.memoryStats. requestsPageReclaimBytessec

The amount of space in pages that is reclaimed from the free list.

RequestsPage Reclaimssec

performance.memoryStats. requestsPageReclaimssec

The number of pages that are reclaimed per second.

SystemUsage LockedMemory

performance.memoryStats. systemUsageLockedMemory

The total number of kBytes of locked memory.

InputErrors <index>.inputErrors

The number of input errors. These errors usually indicate faulty hardware, which can range from another computer that is generating bad packets to a bad connector or terminator.


diskStatsTable. <index>.blkss

Number of bytes transferred (in 512-byte units) from and to the device.


diskStatsTable. <index>.rws

Number of data transfers per second (read and writes) from and to the device.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsAvWait


Average time in milliseconds that transfer requests waited idly on the queue for the device.



Number of free inodes for the file system (corresponds to the number of files and devices that are allowed on a file system). The inode table on some systems is dynamically allocated so the number of free entries is small.


devTable.<index>. devInodesUsed

Number of inodes or files in use for the file system.


NSM Item

SystemEDGE Item



diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsAvgBytesRead

Average number of bytes transferred from the disk during read operations.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsAvgBytesWrite

Average number of bytes transferred to the disk during write operations.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsServiceTime

The average service time in milliseconds for operations that are served on this disk over the last measurement period. Also expressed as:disk-busy-time / number-of-transfers.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsQueueLength

The average number of operations waiting in the service queue of the disk over the last measurement period.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsReadTime

Percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive is busy servicing read requests.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsWriteTime

Percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive is busy servicing write requests.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsReadBytessec

The rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsWriteBytessec

The rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.


NSM Item

SystemEDGE Item



cpuGroup.cpuTotalUtil Percent

cpuStatsEntry. cpuStatsUtilPercent

%total - Sum of the user and system CPU usage.

InterfaceTraffic Incomingsec
ifEntry. <index>. interfaceTrafficIncomingsec

Number of input packets per second for each interface card.

InterfaceTraffic Outgoingsec
ifEntry. <index>. interfaceTrafficOutgoingsec

Number of output packets per second for each interface card.


performance. network. ifEntry. <index>.inputpackets

The number of input packets that are transferred on the interface.


performance. network. ifEntry. <index>.outputpackets

The number of output packets that are transferred on the interface.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsBlkss

Number of bytes transferred (in 512-byte units) from and to the device.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsRWs

Number of data transfers per second (read and writes) from and to the device.


devTable. <index>. devAllocatedSpace

Total number of MB available in the file system.


devTable. <index>. devFreeSpace

Number of available MB on the file system. This item may not include space that is reserved for the superuser.



devTable.<index>. devCapacity

Percentage of file system space in use for the file system. For most file systems, this item does not include any extra space that is reserved for the superuser. Thus the value agrees with df, unlike the "Filesystem" group which reports all the space on the partition, some of which may not be available to the ordinary user. This difference typically applies to file systems such as /opt, /var, or /home but / or /tmp.


devTable.<index>. devUsedSpace

Number of MB in use on the file system.

DiskTime, busy

diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsUtilization

The utilization rate (percentage utilization) for this disk over the last measurement period. This item could also be expressed as:(disk-busy-time / elapsed-time) * 100.

%busy - Portion of time that the device was busy servicing a request.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsAvgBytesRead

Average number of bytes transferred from the disk during read operations.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsAvgBytesWrite

Average number of bytes transferred to the disk during write operations.

AvgDiskQueue Length


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsQueueLength

The average number of operations waiting in the service queue over the last measurement period.



diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsReadBytesSec

The rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.


diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsWriteBytesSec

The rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.



diskStatsTable.<index>. diskStatsServiceTime

The average service time in milliseconds for operations that are served on this disk over the last measurement period. This item could be expressed as:disk-busy-time / number-of-transfers.