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Configure the User Agents Settings

User agents define the device types such as web browsers, wireless phones, and PDAs by which users can access network resources. CA SiteMinder® SPS uses the header attribute to identify a user agent type when it receives a user request. You must define a user agent before you can associate the user agent with a session scheme to manage a virtual host.

You can define a user agent manually or using Administrative UI.

To define a user agent manually, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the server.conf file.
  2. Navigate to the <UserAgent> section.
  3. Configure the following parameters:

    Defines the name of the user agent.


    Contains the user-agent header of an HTTP request. The value indicates the device type that is requesting access. You can use regular expressions and provide a partial name as part of the expression.

  4. Save the changes.

To configure using Administrative UI, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Virtual Hosts, User Agents and click Add.
  2. Type the name of the user agent in Name.
  3. Click Add in the Headers table.
  4. Type the header name and value in Name and Value.
  5. Click OK and Save.