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Communicate with the SYSVUSER Started Subtask

After starting the user interface subtask, communicate additional requests to the subtask using the z/OS MODIFY (F) command. You can also use the online Address Space Administration command, ASADMIN, to perform additional functions.

The following z/OS modify (F) commands and functions are available:


Displays the status of all subtasks or a particular subtask in the user interface address space.

MODIFY sysvuser,STATUS [subtask]

Specifies the name of the subtask for the requested status display.


Starts a subtask in the user interface address space.

MODIFY sysvuser,START subtask [.taskident, parameters]

Specifies the subtask name to start.


Identifies a task, if you are starting multiple tasks with the same subtask name.


Represents the parameters to be passed to the subtask. If the parameters contain a comma or a space, it must be enclosed in single quotes.


Displays the status of all subtasks or a particular subtask in the user interface address space.

MODIFY sysvuser,STOP [subtask]

Specifies the name of the subtask for the requested status display.


Communicates with a subtask in the user interface address space.

MODIFY sysvuser,MODIFY subtask/taskid [, parameters]

Specifies the name of the subtask to modify.


Represents the parameters to be passed to the subtask. If the parameters contain a comma or a space, it must be enclosed in single quotes.


Forces a subtask in the user interface address space to terminate abnormally.

MODIFY sysvuser,FORCE subtask/taskid

Specifies the name of the subtask that you wish to abnormally terminate. The task is canceled with a dump.