Previous Topic: System Condition Monitor MembersNext Topic: SCMDCOM


The CA SYSVIEW System Condition Monitor (SCM) component provides a single focal point for problem determination and resolution. The SCM parmlib member defines the information that the System Condition Monitor is to manage.

Included with CA SYSVIEW is the CCS for z/OS product CA GSS. The System Condition Monitor collection process executes as IMODs in the CA GSS address space. IMODs are intelligent modules that are written using a compiled REXX language.

CA SYSVIEW subtasks and online user sessions do not directly use this member.

SCM Summary

This member is read…

During the initialization of the System Condition Monitor in the CA GSS address space. The SCMDRIVE IMOD processes the parmlib information. The data is refreshed or reread each time the System Condition Monitor is started.

Can information be modified in real time?

No, the information cannot be dynamically altered. The information is refreshed each time the System Condition Monitor is started.

Subtasks that use this data


Commands that use this data

The SCM family of commands

Associated parmlib members


In user parmlib data set?


In Persistent data store?
