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CA SYSVIEW can communicate with and report on multiple CA Datacom/DB Multi-User Facility (MUF) address spaces. The DATACOM parmlib member can be used to provide a list of possible MUF job names. A definition entry for each MUF job name is not required. A list of the active CA Datacom jobs is obtained dynamically. You can define all potential entries so that the DCLIST command display includes jobs that have never been active.


This member is read…

During the initialization of all subtasks and user sessions

Can information be modified in real time?

No, the list of entries cannot be manually altered online. The list is automatically updated for any additional active jobs. A new list is obtained when the session is reestablished.

Subtasks that use this data


Commands that use this data

All CA Datacom related commands

Associated parmlib members


In user parmlib data set?


In Persistent data store?
