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Display Event Capture Data Using the CAPLIST Command

The system programmer received notification that the system experienced a common storage problem. The Event Capture facility saved the information to analyze the problem. You can display the data using the CAPLIST command.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log on to a CA SYSVIEW session running on any available computer and enter the CAPLIST command.

    Captured data can be accessed from any session, even if the system to analyze is not running.

    The CAPLIST command displays a list of all available captured events. The displayed list is sorted by date to make finding the timeframe in question easier to locate. The following screen indicates a storage problem at 12:30 on system XE44:

    SYSVIEW CAPLIST -------- Captured Event List --------------- ddmmmyyyy 13:59:33 Command ====> Scroll *===> HALF ----------------------------------------------- Lvl 4 Row 1-16/812 Col 1-79/383 Index Hlqual SYSVIEW.BASE.CAPINDEX Count 1 Total Recs 812 Blks 43047 Expd 334 Select Recs 812 Blks 43047 Expd 334 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cmd Date Time SysName Member Descr Status ________ 01/10/08 12:30 XE44 COMMON Common storage usage ________ 01/10/08 12:30 XE44 STORAGE Storage usage PROBLEM ________ 01/10/08 12:30 XE44 OVERVIEW Overview status PROBLEM ________ 01/10/08 12:30 XE44 JESSPOOL JES2 spool usage ________ 01/10/08 12:30 XE44 CPU CPU usage

  2. Type S in the Cmd field for the Storage usage entry. This entry has the keyword Problem in the Status column and you want to view details about possible cause of the problem.

    The following display appears showing a list of individual command displays that were captured for the selected event. Each command display is marked CMD in the Type field. The Norm, Warn, and Prob columns in the display show the respective number of incidents for the listed commands.

    SYSVIEW CAPEVENT --------- Captured Event ------------------ ddmmmyyyy 14:01:19 Command ====> Scroll *===> HALF -------------------------------------------------- Lvl 5 Row 1-9/9 Col 1-79/146 Dsname SYSVIEW.BASE.CAPDATA.D011008.T123051 Volser WORK03 Descr Storage usage Member STORAGE System JobName Asid UserId TaskId Created Expires XE44 SYSVDEV 015E GSVXSCHT SCHEDULR 12:30:51 08Oct2001 11Oct2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cmd Type Name Screen Title Norm Warn Prob ________ ID Capture dataset identification ________ MBR CAPLIB member ________ CMD ACTIVITY System Activity ________ CMD COMMON SUMMARY Common Storage Summary ________ CMD PAGEDS Page Datasets ________ CMD PAGING MVS System Paging 1 ________ CMD STORAGE MVS System Storage 4 2 4 ________ CMD SWAPPING MVS System Swapping ________ CMD VSMTRACK SUMMARY Common Storage Tracking Summary

  3. Drill down another detail level by typing S in the Cmd column to select the STORAGE command, which has two warnings and four problems.

    Note: Any of the commands listed on the screen can be selected for redisplay.

    The redisplayed information is a virtual look into the past. You can manipulate the data on the screen using the standard set of CA SYSVIEW function commands such as: SORT, SELECT, and FIND.