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Address Command—Issue Commands to the API

Use the Address command to issue a command to the API.

This command has the following format:

ADDRESS 'SYSVIEWE' 'keyword(value)' 'keyword(value)'...

Keywords can be abbreviated by using only their first character. For example, the following syntax causes the MTT command to execute:


Keywords used with ADDRESS SYSVIEWE:


Controls whether blank lines are returned on the stack.

Default: NO


cmd is a CA SYSVIEW command, which has a maximum length of 256.


dlm is the delimiter that is used to separate fields on CA SYSVIEW displays that have defined formats.

Possible dlm values:

| @ # $ % ¢ & * ! < > : . / + = _ - ' “ ? ; } { \ ~

Once a delimiter is set, it remains in effect until another DELIMITER keyword is entered or the API interface is terminated.

Default: The vertical line (|)


Controls whether the title, message, and info line data are automatically extracted when the SET APISTACK or API STACK option is set to NO.

Default: YES


The name or relative number of an input field to receive input data.


The new value for the field.

If the command has a defined format, the name of a field can be used for the fld parameter. Otherwise, a number must be used to describe the relative input field position. You assign a 1 to the first input field and then add 1 for each input field after the first input field. The INPUT keyword only affects the first data line returned. The DOWN and FIND commands can be used to position a line so the INPUT keyword can be used.

The INPUT keyword is processed against the output of the last command executed by the COMMAND(cmd) keyword of the previous ADDRESS 'SYSVIEWE' statement. The INPUT keyword is not processes against the output of any COMMAND(cmd) keyword on the same ADDRESS 'SYSVIEWE' statement.

When you include both the INPUT and COMMAND keywords on the same ADDRESS 'SYSVIEWE' statement results in both keywords being accepted. No error condition generates, which probably does not produce the desired result. The INPUT and COMMAND keywords process in the following sequence:

  1. The INPUT keyword, in effect, types in a data row on a virtual screen
  2. The COMMAND keyword then types a command in the primary command input field

When all parameters on the ADDRESS 'SYSVIEWE' statement have been processed, the result is submitted to CA SYSVIEW. CA SYSVIEW execution of the command in the primary command input field takes precedence over the data row input.


nnnnnn is the maximum limit of the number of lines returned. nnnnnn must be a number from 4 through 999999. When the amount of data returned exceeds the LIMIT value, the GSVX360W message is returned stating the limit was exceeded and the data is incomplete. Once a limit is set, it remains in effect until another LIMIT keyword is entered or the API interface is terminated.

Default: 100000


Specifies the character used by the API interface as a placeholder for blank fields and to fill embedded blanks in formatted fields. Specify any character in the range X'40' to X'FE'. You can use hex string notation to specify a character that cannot be directly typed or displayed.

Default: A blank

The API interface uses the placeholder character for the following line types returned on the stack:

The current placeholder character is always the last character in the title line.


Controls the virtual screen size used by the API. The rows value must be a number from 16 to 255 and the cols value must be a number from 79 to 255. The SIZE parameter is only valid on the first ADDRESS SYSVIEWE call.

Default: SIZE(100,132).


Controls whether the REXX API interface places information in the stack.

Default: YES

A value of NO is in effect only for the duration of the product session. When APISTACK is set to NO, the REXX API interface:

The REXX EXEC can then use the XVEXTRAC DATA function to extract whatever data fields are necessary for its processing.

For more information, see the XVEXTRAC command in the CA SYSVIEW online help system.


Controls whether any numeric field that is all blanks is:

Note: This keyword can only change blanks to a zero.

Default: NO, unless your site changed this setting with the OPTIONS PARMLIB member ZeroIfBlankForNonInterActAppl.

Setting this keyword to YES has no effect in the following instances: