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MODIFY Command—Communicate with the Started Task

Once the main services task has started, use the z/OS MODIFY (F) command to communicate additional requests to the task. You can also use the online Address Space Administration command, ASADMIN, to perform additional functions.

The available commands and functions are:


Displays the status of all subtasks or a particular subtask in the Main Services Address Space. The STATUS command has the following syntax:

MODIFY sysview,STATUS [subtask]

Specifies the subtask name for the requested status display. The valid values for subtask are: VTAM and CICS.


Starts a subtask in the Main Services Address Space. The START command has the following syntax:

MODIFY sysview,START subtask[.taskident,parameters]

Specifies the name of the subtask to start.


Identifies a task, if you are starting multiple tasks in the same subtask.


Represents the parameters to pass to the subtask.


Stops a subtask in the Main Services Address Space. The STOP command has the following syntax:

MODIFY sysview,STOP subtask|taskid

Specifies the name of the subtask to terminate.


Modifies current parameter settings for a subtask in the Main Services Address Space. The MODIFY command has the following syntax:

MODIFY keyword value <<COMMAND> cmdname<.scrname><.fmtname>>

Displays the option value for the specified command rather than the active command.


Displays the option value for the specified command and screen name rather than the active command and screen.


Displays the option value for the specified command, screen name, and format name rather than the active command screen, and format.


Forces the subtask in the Main Services Address Space to terminate abnormally. The FORCE command has the following syntax:

MODIFY sysview,FORCE subtask|taskid

Specifies the name of the subtask you want to terminate abnormally. The task is canceled with a dump.