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Data Fields

Performance class data is detailed transaction-level information, such as the processor and elapsed time for a transaction, or the time spent waiting for I/O. CICS owns the transaction variables in this section. The variables are separated into groups and displayed alphabetically.

The following data fields are available:


The resource name of the variable


The resource to which the variable belongs


The name of the group to which the variable belongs


The name of the subgroup to which the variable belongs


The type of variable; such as average, count, or time


The threshold value for the variable, which has a limit of either upper or lower


The variable is related to storage when the value is Yes. Storage values are displayed as follows:

K = 1024 bytes

k = 1000 bytes

DFH Group and MCT Number

The associated CICS Monitor Control (MCT) Field and its number

Resource 1

The type of resource.

If blank, then the variable does not support a resource.

Resource 2

The type of resource.

If blank, then the variable does not support a resource.


The description of the variable.