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Analyzing Current System Procedures

During current systems procedure analysis, you build a definition of current procedures and examine their structure and dependencies. You also document data flow between procedures.

Procedure analysis within current systems analysis resembles process decomposition and dependency analysis. See the chapter "Analyzing Activities" for more information.

You create a Procedure Hierarchy and one or more Data Flow Diagrams. These diagrams serve to check the completeness of the analysis model. A subset of the current Business Systems Architecture model or a high-level Data Flow Diagram serves as a useful starting point for understanding the context of the current systems to be analyzed, among other systems.

The Procedure Hierarchy and Data Flow Diagrams are prepared manually or by using some automated means other than CA Gen.

Note: If a CA Gen model is used, for instance to build a detailed model of the interactions between procedures and the implied data model, this model must never be confused with a model that analyzes business requirements or defines a system to be developed using CA Gen.