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Performing Distribution Analysis

To analyze distribution, perform the following steps as needed:

Step 1 Identify Organizations and Locations

A location is a physical place at which activities of interest to the enterprise may be performed, either by the enterprise itself or by external organizational units.

Step 2 Analyze Activity Distribution

Record what elementary processes are performed at which location, or location type, using a Process/Location Matrix such as the one shown in the following illustration.

Performing Distribution Analysis

Step 3 Analyze Data Distribution

This is performed only if distributed data support for the business is part of the Technical Architecture, and if refinement of the data store distribution is a critical design issue.

Step 4 Summarize Volumetric Data

In this step, you record or estimate the frequency of execution of each elementary process at each location, or location type, using a Process Frequency Table such as the one in the following illustration.

Performing Distribution Analysis (3)

In this table, the entries show process frequency, which is the number of times in a given period a process is performed at a location or location type.

An example is shown in the following illustration.

Performing Distribution Analysis (4)

Methods for assessing volumes and frequencies:

When likely changes in location or frequency are already known, a review of distribution stability may be usefully performed during distribution analysis, or may be performed separately as one aspect of stability analysis, which is covered in the chapter "Starting Object-Oriented Analysis."