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Entity Type Name

The entity type name is a short classification of its entities. Take the form of a singular noun (such as CUSTOMER, not CUSTOMERS). In CA Gen, an entity type name must not exceed 32 characters.

It must be unique within the enterprise. For example, you cannot have two entity types that are named DELIVERY POINT representing two things. To build a sensible model, entity type names must be unique, and CA Gen enforces this. If more than one entity type has the same name within the enterprise, seek agreement on which entity type bear the name. Record the name as an alias in the description of the other entity type.

You discover that an entity type has multiple names, or synonyms. For example, an entity type called CUSTOMER by one department that is known as CLIENT by another. In such cases, seek user consensus on the most commonly used alternative as the name and record the remaining synonyms as aliases.

More information:

Entity Type Aliases