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Resource Conflicts Resolution

VRM dynamically manages resource conflicts that are based on definitions and CA WA CA 7 Edition job queue activity. This process usually requires little or no manual intervention. CA WA CA 7 Edition detects when a job is no longer using a resource. CA WA CA 7 Edition frees it for use by other jobs according to the instructions in the jobs resource profile (the FREE value on the RM.1 panel). However, anomalies can occur if you have multiple instances of a job with the same name.

For example, suppose that JOBA is defined to use resource RSC1. Further assume that the RM.1 definition specifies TYPE=EXC and FREE=Y. If JOBA (say, job number 1) abends and is waiting in the request queue for a restart, another instance of JOBA (job number 2) can move to the ready queue for submission. However, JOBA (1) still has exclusive control of the RSC1 resource that was acquired when it was initially submitted. Hence, JOBA (2) does not submit. Instead it waits in the ready queue for the RSC1 resource to become available. An LQ display shows that the status of JOBA (2) is W-RSRC.

To let JOBA (2) run, one must take a manual corrective action such as canceling or forcing completion of JOBA (1). JOBA (1) cannot be submitted while JOBA (2) is in the ready queue.

An initialization file option is provided to streamline the handling of such conflicts.

Note: For information about handling these anomalies, see the OPTIONS statement keyword JSOP in the Systems Programming Guide.