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DB.6 - Data Set Definition Panel

The DB.6 - Data Set Definition panel lets you define a user data set to CA WA CA 7 Edition.

Normally, you use this panel to define data sets with a TYPE value of PERM or for updates. If this panel is not used to define a data set, the initial LOAD of the job adds the data set to the database automatically. You can also perform any manual maintenance that is required on this information with this panel.

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

------------------------- CA-7 DATA SET DEFINITION ------------------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (ADD,DELETE,FORMAT,LIST,RENAME,UPD) DSN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DSNBR: nnnnnnnn NEWNAME: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TYPE: xxxx GDG: x SMF FEEDBACK REQUIRED: x POST AT CLOSE TIME: x DEVICE: xxxx DSORG: xxx RECFM: xxxxx LRECL: nnnnn BLKSIZE: nnnnn PROGRAM: SM30 MSG-INDX: nn -- DB.6 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following:


Adds a data set to the database.


Deletes a data set and its associated elements (data set triggers, user documentation, and so forth).

Note: If any job uses this data set, it cannot be deleted until the jobs or their DSN predecessor requirements are deleted.


Clears the panel of all user input data.


Lists the formatted data of the panel. In batch, a formatted panel is not listed; only a found or not found message is returned.


When the user has changed a data set's name, RENAME with the NEWNAME field can be used to change the CA WA CA 7 Edition data set name. The RENAME top line utility command changes the data set name in z/OS; whereas, the RENAME function on this panel changes the data set name in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database, but not in z/OS.


Updates data set information in the database.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


(Optional) Specifies the data set and must be the fully qualified data set name.

Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters and required for ADD (and UPD unless DSNBR is used).

Note: DSN is not required to conform to MVS data set name standards. Embedded blanks and special characters such as slashes, dashes, and underscores are permitted. All alphabetic characters are uppercased.

Batch keyword: DSN


(Optional) Specifies the data set to use. The value must be the numeric value that CA WA CA 7 Edition already assigned.

Limits: 1 to 8 numeric characters (leading zeros are not required) and required unless DSN is used (ignored for ADD)

Batch keyword: DSNBR


(Optional) Used with the RENAME function and DSN field to change a data set name in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database. The RENAME top line utility command changes the data set name in z/OS; whereas, the RENAME function on this panel changes the data set name in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database, but not in z/OS.

Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters

Note: NEWNAME is not required to conform to MVS data set name standards. Embedded blanks and special characters such as slashes, dashes, and underscores are permitted. All alphabetic characters are uppercased.

Batch keyword: NEWNAME


(Optional) Specifies the data set type. Value can be one of the following times:


Internal: Specifies both the creating-job and using-jobs for this data set are known to CA WA CA 7 Edition.

External: Specifies the creating-job, using-jobs, or both for this data set are not known to CA WA CA 7 Edition.


Specifies this data set is always available for input.

Important! When a data set is marked PERM, no SMF records are captured. PERM means no data set triggering can occur with this type data set.

Default: NORM when doing ADD

Batch keyword: TYPE


(Optional) Specifies whether this data set is a generation data group (Y or N).

Default: N

Batch keyword: GDG

Note: The specific GDG creations cannot be used for posting requirements or for triggering jobs. Posting and triggering are done based on the creation/updating (SMF 15 record) of any generation of the GDG.


(Optional) Specifies whether the interface to System Management Facility (SMF) inserts the values for DSORG, RECFM, LRECL, and BLKSIZE when this data set is next used (Y or N). Unless the value is reset, this insertion is only done once.

Default: Y

Batch keyword: SMF

Note: After the first time the job that creates this data set runs under CA WA CA 7 Edition, this field is reset to N. If the data set attributes change, this field must be reset to Y and the attribute field that changed (that is, DSORG, RECFM) must be zeroed (if numeric) or blanked out. This process causes CA WA CA 7 Edition to record the new values when the job is run again.


(Optional) Specifies when to post the creation or update of a data set to the database and queues (Y or N). If Y is specified, action takes place as soon as the SMF data set creation record is received (when the data set is closed). This process does not ensure successful step or job termination.

Limits: Y or N

Default: N (causes triggering or posting action to take place at the job termination).

Batch keyword: POST


(Optional) Specifies a device type. If specified, TAPE or DASD are the only acceptable values.

Batch keyword: DEVICE


(Optional) Specifies the data set organization. Same as the DSORG specified in the DCB subparameter in the JCL.

Limits: 1 to 3 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: DSORG


(Optional) Specifies the record format of the data set. Same as the RECFM specified in the DCB subparameter in the JCL.

Limits: 1 to 5 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: RECFM


(Optional) Specifies the logical record length of the data set. Same as the LRECL specified in the DCB subparameter in the JCL.

Limits: 1 to 5 numeric characters

Batch keyword: LRECL


(Optional) Specifies the block size of the data set. Same as the BLKSIZE specified in the DCB subparameter in the JCL.

Limits: 1 to 5 numeric characters

Batch keyword: BLKSIZE

More information:

Permanent Data Sets